Benefits of Surrogacy

Supporting the LGBTQ+ Community Through Surrogacy

There are many paths to parenthood, and surrogacy is a wonderful option for hopeful parents who want to be biologically connected to their children. 

At Surrogate Parenting Services (SPS), we are so proud to help LGBTQ+ individuals and couples expand their families, and we strive to make your experience as joyful, rewarding, and stress-free as possible. 

As we celebrate Pride Month, we thought it was an ideal time to highlight the important role of LGBTQ+ surrogacy and the joy this journey brings to both surrogates and intended parents.

Why some surrogates prioritize carrying for LGBTQ+ intended parents

First and foremost, becoming a gestational surrogate for an LGBTQ+ individual or couple is no different than it would be for a heterosexual and/or cisgender individual or couple. Every intended parent is unique – with fears, hopes, and expectations that stem from their own life journeys – and that’s true regardless of sexuality or gender identity.

However, for many surrogates, partnering with LGBTQ+ intended parents adds yet another layer of purpose and fulfillment to their surrogacy journey.

Supporting Equality: In many countries around the world and states across the U.S., same-sex couples and LGBTQ+ people have limited options for becoming parents. Some surrogates want to prioritize intended parents who identify as LGBTQ+ on principle – because no one should be denied the option of becoming a parent based on discriminatory laws or beliefs.

Creating Hope: Especially within the gay community where biology can prevent either partner from the possibility of carrying a baby, LGBTQ+ surrogacy is often the only opportunity for the intended parent(s) to be biologically connected to their child. Some surrogates find an extra dose of joy in giving hope to those who thought they’d never have the opportunity to see themselves in their child’s eyes.

What makes the LGBTQ+ surrogacy process unique

Before we dive in, let’s go over some terminology. There are two types of surrogacy: traditional and gestational. Today, gestational surrogacy is much more common. 

In this type of surrogacy, the intended mother’s egg or a donor egg is fertilized with sperm from the intended father (or donor sperm). Then, the embryo is implanted in the surrogate’s uterus using in vitro fertilization (IVF). The surrogate has no genetic relationship with the child(ren) they deliver.

LGBTQ+ intended parents often use an egg donor, gestational carrier (surrogate), and IVF. The surrogacy process is largely the same as it is for any other hopeful parents. However, there are several important decisions same-sex couples need to make before starting this journey. 

  • Who will be genetically related to the child?

Same-sex parents must decide whose sperm or egg will be used to create an embryo. 

Some coupled dads choose to use the sperm from one partner, while others choose to have half the eggs fertilized with one partner’s sperm, and the half with the other partner’s sperm.

When it’s time to transfer the embryo to the surrogate, many couples opt to transfer the best embryo, regardless of the sperm source. 

  • Who should we use as a donor?

The sperm or egg donor may be a stranger who is proud to help others bring their dream of parenthood to life. Or, they may be someone close to the intended parent(s). 

It’s relatively common to use one partner’s sperm and an egg donation from a biological relative of the other partner (such as his sister), so that both partners have a genetic bond with the baby. 

Learn More About Becoming a Surrogate with Surrogate Parenting Services

Surrogate Parenting Services is proud to celebrate over 30 years of helping to bring dreams to life! Founded in 1990, Surrogate Parenting Services (SPS) is a full-service surrogacy program that offers both parties an exceptionally supportive environment throughout the surrogacy relationship. We’re passionate about creating ideal matches between surrogates and intended parents, so the journey is fulfilling for both sides and the future child is brought into this world in the best possible circumstances.   

Learn more about our Surrogacy Program online or by calling (949) 363-9525.
