For Intended Parents

The Real Cost of IVF – Your Questions Answered

As if infertility isn’t stressful enough, many people have to deal with the high cost of IVF treatments.

Unfortunately, many insurance companies don’t cover infertility treatments—at least fully. And paying a huge sum of money out of pocket just isn’t feasible for many people.

However, there are some things you can do to prepare for IVF treatments—both financially and emotionally—and various ways to bring down the cost of IVF. Read on to find out more.  

Is IVF covered by insurance?

Unfortunately, infertility care is not considered an essential benefit for many health plans. As of October 2019, only 16 states have laws that require insurance companies to either cover or offer coverage for infertility diagnosis and treatment. 

According to Fertility IQ, around 80% of people who had IVF treatments in 2018 had no insurance coverage or very little coverage. As a result, many people must pay out of pocket for at least part of their infertility treatment.

Before you visit a fertility clinic, contact your insurance company to find out if you have coverage, and if so, what exactly is covered under your plan.

Here are some important questions to ask:

  •       Do they cover initial consultations?
  •       Is diagnostic testing covered (including blood work and ultrasounds)?
  •       Are medications covered? And can you get the medications you need at your local pharmacy?
  •       Which treatments do they cover? IUI? IVF?
  •       Is there a cap on the coverage?

How can I estimate the cost of IVF?

There are many factors that affect the cost of IVF—including where you have it performed, how many cycles you’ll need, and whether you do genetic testing of the embryos or need to get a surgical procedure (such as a laparoscopy).

According to FertilityIQ, the average cost of one reproductive cycle in the U.S. is $23,474 (with medication). The average patient undergoes 2.3–2.7 IVF cycles, so the typical cost for IVF is around $50,000.

What can I do before I start IVF to ease the financial and emotional burden?

Before you start treatments, create goals for treatment and a financial plan. For example, determine how many IUI treatments you’ll receive before moving on to IVF, and how many IVF treatments you’ll do before considering other family-building options, like using a surrogate or adoption.

Your journey will likely be stressful and emotional regardless of the end result. However, making decisions like these in advance can relieve some of the stress along the way. 

How can I reduce the cost of IVF?

IVF can be incredibly costly, but there are several ways to make it more affordable.

  1. Know exactly what your insurance plan covers, and don’t forget to read the fine print. You may be eligible for partial insurance coverage of your infertility treatment.
  2. Find a clinic that offers an all-inclusive IVF package, as these can help bring down the cost. Many clinics also offer financing programs.
  3. Consider applying for a grant, such as those offered through Baby Quest Foundation.
  4. You may qualify for a clinical trial, which you can find on websites like and CenterWatch.

We hope this information on the cost of IVF was helpful for you!

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Surrogate Parenting Services is proud to celebrate 30 Years of helping to bring dreams to life! Founded in 1990, Surrogate Parenting Services (SPS) is a full-service surrogacy program that offers both parties an exceptionally supportive environment throughout the surrogacy relationship. We’re passionate about creating ideal matches between surrogates and intended parents, so the journey is fulfilling for both sides and the future child is brought into this world in the best possible circumstances.   

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