4 Tips for Getting Your Finances in Order Before Surrogacy

No matter which side of the surrogacy team you’re on, having your finances in order is essential. As intended parents, you’ll naturally want to be sure you can complete the process without a hitch and be able to bring your baby home into a stress-free environment. As a potential surrogate, having poor finances can actually disqualify you from participating. Top-notch agencies want to be sure you’re choosing to become a surrogate for the right reasons and that you’re not reliant on surrogacy as your primary source of income. The good news is, there are many things you can do to get your finances in order, so you can move forward with confidence.

1) Establish a Monthly Budget

Whether you break out the pen and paper or go digital, your monthly budget needs to be in writing. Hammer out where every penny goes, right down to those cups of coffee you sneak on the way to work and your occasional indulgences.

2) Reevaluate Your Expenses

Once you’ve broken down where your money goes each month, take the time to identify if there are bills you can slash or expenses you don’t need to pay. Got a storage room? Clear it and cut the expense. Paying a huge amount for cell phones or cable? Call around to see if other companies can provide a better deal.

3) Get Debts Paid Off

Certain debts, such as mortgages, aren’t necessarily bad to have, but credit card debts can be a warning sign that you’re not sticking to budgets or managing your money wisely. While it makes more fiscal sense to pay off the debts with higher interest rates first, some people can lose motivation if the high-interest debt is also the largest. If this is the case for you, start off with your smallest debt and throw extra cash at it each month until it’s paid off. Then, apply your monthly payments from that to your next largest debt. The feel-good vibe of watching a balance decrease and getting things paid off may keep you motivated and will help you establish good payment habits that stick.

4) Give Yourself a Savings

Once you’ve got debts paid off, get saving. The general rule of thumb is to have three months of expenses set aside. However, if you’re an intended parent planning to take unpaid leave when the baby arrives, you may want to add that time to your savings total. To make saving easier, set aside an automatic transfer or “pay” your savings account each month, just like you do your recurring bills.

Ready to Start the Surrogacy Process? Contact SPS

If you’re ready to start the surrogacy process, Surrogate Parenting Services will walk you through every step. Surrogates can take the first step by learning more about the process and what the requirements are, while intended parents may contact us online or call us at (949) 397-6855 for questions or to get started.
