Step 1 of the Surrogacy Process


If you are interested in being a surrogate, first contact us at (949) 363-9525 or to see if surrogacy is right for you.

Step 2 of the Surrogacy Process


We will send you forms to complete and return, which include contact information, a personality profile and health history. Kelly, our Surrogate Intake Manager, will arrange a time for a video call or phone interview. There is a lot of information provided during this call and Kelly will be able to answer any questions you may have about surrogacy or our process. We will request your medical records and a background check will be completed for you and your partner (if applicable). Cristie, our director and also a former surrogate, will then come visit you and your family in your home for an interview. This is a chance for her to learn more about your home life, and she can also answer your questions about the process at this time.

Step 3 of the Surrogacy Process


You and your partner (if applicable) will meet with a psychologist we work with consistently, who has worked with surrogates for years. You will undergo a psychological screening test, which will assist the psychologist in deciding if you are mentally able to perform as a surrogate. The psychologist will create a report that will be sent to the Intended Parent’s fertility doctor.

Step 4 of the Surrogacy Process


Cristie personally interviews all Intended Parent(s) before they enter the program. We will discuss with you the Intended Parent(s) we have available that would match well with you. You will be able to review their personal profiles prior to meeting them.  If you decide to move forward with a couple or individual we have presented to you, a meeting will be arranged between the Intended Parent(s), Cristie, the Case Manager and you, along with your husband or partner.  You are able to choose who you work with. Our goal is to create a healthy and supportive relationship between the Surrogate and the Intended Parent(s).

Step 5 of the Surrogacy Process


Next, you and your Case Manager will have your first visit with the parent’s doctor, who will examine you and determine if you are physically able to be a surrogate. The doctor will also review the medical records from your previous pregnancy and delivery.

Step 6 of the Surrogacy Process


One of the most important elements of any surrogacy arrangement is the legal agreement between you and the Intended Parent(s).  We will arrange for you to meet with an attorney, at no cost to you, who will explain to you what the contract means and how the contract effects and protects you.  One concern surrogates often have is that the parent(s) will change their mind and not want the baby.  This is extremely unusual and you are protected from any liability under the contract. We have never had a parent decide this after the birth.

Step 7 of the Surrogacy Process


Your Case Manager will be with you during all of the Fertility appointments. She will also attend all of your milestone OB appointments to support and encourage you. You may see the doctor of your choice for your prenatal care and deliver as long as it is In Network for insurance and is a Board Certified OB/GYN.

Your hospital of choice must have a Level 2 or 3 NICU and also be In Network. Your Case Manager will be at the delivery as well to ensure that you are well supported and to help take care of the legal paperwork. This will be a very exciting day for you and your Intended Parents.

The Medical Process

In order to be a gestational surrogate and carry a baby for a someone else, a fertility specialist will use natural hormones to stimulate and control your menstrual cycle.

This is the first hormone use. Both you and the intended mother take Lupron in order to synchronize your menstrual cycles.

You then take Estrogen twice a week. Estrogen thickens the lining of your uterus which enables the embryos to more easily stick to your uterus when they are transferred.

After you have been taking Estrogen for a while you will start taking Progesterone.

Once your body has been prepared with the proper hormones, the fertility specialist performs the embryo transfer. This occurs in the doctors office. It is a quick and painless procedure.  The embryos are drawn up into a small tube called a catheter.  The catheter is gently guided into your vagina and directly into your uterus. The doctor releases the embryo(s) into your uterus in a drop of fluid.

Let's get in touch with Surrogate Parenting Services

Interested in becoming a Surrogate? Click on the button and fill out our form!

Interested or considering the Surrogacy Process to become parent? Click on the button to reach out to our team!

At Surrogate Parenting Services, we are with you every step of the way!