Becoming a surrogate is not the same process for everyone. Many people feel motivated to become a surrogate because of personal scenarios, but others may find it as their calling by taking a completely different route. At the end of the day, regardless of the paths that led you to surrogacy, it is an amazing gift to be able to give a child to parents who deserve the opportunity to build a family. This journey is unique to everyone involved. No matter how you get there, embarking on the surrogacy journey can be an incredibly rewarding experience for everyone.
Your Generosity May Be Someone Else’s Miracle
If you have always felt passionate about giving back to others and helping those in need, you may find yourself looking into the surrogacy process. Becoming a surrogate is not the right path everyone, so those who feel drawn to it should consider it carefully. For repeat surrogate Sarah Jones, the urge to continue giving led her to being a surrogate four times after starting her own family. Her article on Independent news shares the details of her journey. After having children of her own and feeling that her fertility was a gift too precious to waste, she began reaching out to see if she could help someone else. Eventually she met the first couple she carried a child for. After the birth, she says, “Seeing the three of them together overwhelmed me in a way that is hard to describe – I was tired and a bit achy but so very, very happy.” She adds that this feeling kept her motivated to experience the miracle of childbirth with three more families after the first.
There are Countless Reasons for Becoming a Surrogate
Surrogates do not always begin their journeys the same way that Sarah Jones did. Many don’t even consider surrogacy until it hits closer to home. Sometimes seeing people close to you go through a struggle with infertility or obstacles to adoption can light the spark for becoming a surrogate. There’s also the perk of special friendships and second families created during surrogacy, something that Jones was passionate about in her story. You might also consider this path if you simply love being pregnant or are excited about giving life. There is also personal gain to be had from surrogacy, including access to quality healthcare and financial compensation. Regardless of the reasons, surrogacy is still a wonderfully generous gift to a family in need.
Choose SPS to Start Your Surrogacy Process
At Surrogate Parenting Services, you have access to passionate and experienced professionals who can provide you with the information, resources, and support you need throughout your own personal journey. If you are curious about becoming a surrogate for any of the reasons mentioned above or feel another connection to the process, reach out to our team for more information. For more information on becoming a surrogate, contact SPS at (949) 397-6855 today.
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